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Become A Better Location Scout. Whether you’re hoping to make it a full-time profession, or just doing your due diligence for an upcoming project, there are a few ways that you can become a better location scout. (
The first, and perhaps most obvious, is to be alert all the time. It may sound more daunting than it is. This just means to always take a second to look at your surroundings when you move locations. If you’re always alert in your day-to-day life you’ll have to devote less time to scouting when you’re in need of a location.
Once you’ve found a location you like, whether you have it in mind for a certain project or not, take photos.
In the future, when you’re thinking back on a place you’ve been and wondering if it’s the right place, you can refer back to your photos.
Keep notes of each location in one easy to access place. Having Google docs on your phone is a great way to keep your notes organized, and it will be easy to search for them later on.
For more tips to improve your location scouting techniques, read the full post here:
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