Michael Gascon Academy
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Michael Gascon Horse Training Academy focuses on developing the inner “whisperer” in all his students. He’s gifted and well-known internationally. We are also developing a TV show he hosts.

Igniting the Professional Horseman in you!
The Michael Gascon Academy is one of the Finest Equine Sciences Courses in the world today.   Every single instructor is either a Grand National Champion or World Champion in his or her specific equine discipline. Each instructor here has made a successful career in the equine industry and can show you how to do the same first hand!
The Michael Gascon Academy is a FULL IMMERSION learning center where you will eat sleep and live Horses.  Our fantastic instructors will teach you everything you never knew you didn’t know about horses and working in the equine industry. WE start the morning with feeding and care of the Ranches stabled show string and turn out rotation begins right after breakfast. We clean stalls and begin the daily work of grooming tacking and training the horses on the schedule for that day.
Gascon Horsemanship academy is educating the professional horse man and women of tomorrow and to that end our philosophy is there is nothing like jumping in and getting your hands dirty to teach you what it takes to win on a regional, National, and international stage.
Come prepared to learn about stable management which includes

  • Feeding regiments and why we feed what we do
  • Equine supplements (are they needed and which ones)
  • Equine vet care (with regards to basic stable management)
  • What you should have in an equine emergency kit
  • Proper grooming and washing of horses (there’s more to it than you think)
  • Tack selection for each horse
  • Proper biting techniques
  • Natural horsemanship techniques
  • Colt starting the Gascon no buck way
  • The importance of making every horse you train a good horsey citizen
  • Working behind other trainers
  • Safety Techniques for handling difficult horses
  • Safety techniques for handling breeding stallions
  • Pedigree and breeding for Paso Finos and Quarter horses for those interested
  • Farrier work explained and how to know if you have a good Farrier
  • Equine marketing and sales (This will make you or break you)
  • Traveling with horses and their needs on the road
  • Showing horses at big events
  • Selling horses at shows and at nationals (how its different)

Our Current class schedule offers 2 class options as follows:

  1. Our 2 month Equine intro course gives you an overview of life as a professional horseman and will enable graduates to obtain employment in driving and Colt breaking upon completion
  2. Professional Horse-Trainer is a 6 month class covering all the above and more

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