Privacy Policy

New Orleans Video Productions – Privacy Policy

New Orleans Video Productions is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of visitors who share their information with us via our website Through our site, we collect personal information online to ensure every visitor has the best, most-personalized web experience possible. By sharing this information with us, you allow us to more accurately and completely deliver the information you requested in the most efficient way possible.

You Can Say No

Anyone who visits our website can do so without disclosing any personal information. Information is only gathered when a form is filled out or a visitor registers for regular communication from New Orleans Video Productions in the form of updates, newsletters, emails, etc. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise share your information with anyone or any organization. New Orleans Video Productions does reserve the right to disclose your information when applicable laws dictate, when official government requests are made, to protect ourselves and others from harm, or to operate our online systems properly. If you decide to discontinue receiving information from New Orleans Video Productions, you may opt out of all future communications by emailing

IP Address Collection

New Orleans Video Productions collects IP addresses of visitors to our site for the purposes of system administration and internal tracking. IP addresses are automatically logged by our server without any identifiable personal data.

Cookies Matter

When a visitor comes to, a cookie is placed on their computer. This cookie is nothing more than information uploaded to your computer for the purposes of record-keeping. This record stores certain information in your computer so that when you visit the site, everything you would normally input is already filled in. This makes browsing the site much faster in every way.

Cookies help identify site visitors and store their information for the purposes of making their visit as smooth and efficient as possible. Without them, visitors to any website would have to log in every single time they visited, and we all know how happy that would make us. Cookies are your friends and, in the hands of New Orleans Video Productions, they are completely secure. We will never share cookie data with any third party.

Analytics Data Collection

New Orleans Video Productions may collect some information about your computer when you visit This data, such as IP addresses, operating system, and browser type, is collected for system administration and internal reporting for the IT department. This is data specific to browsing patterns and online activity. It does not, in any way, identify specific information about an individual.

New Orleans Video Productions uses Google Analytics on our website. This is a web data tool that helps us understand how visitors interact with our site in order to identify areas where improvements can be made in user experience. In order to create the best possible information architecture across our site, we need the data collected to identify where users are having trouble. This gives us the data necessary to make changes aimed at making our site more user-friendly.

Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track visitors when on a site. For New Orleans Video Productions, these cookies track and store information related to time of visit, whether the visitor is new or return, and how the user arrived at our site. All of this data is then used to formulate new strategies for our website, and, hopefully, improve the experience for all of our future visitors. The data is collected anonymously and reported without identifiable markers of any kind. If you’re still uncomfortable with any tracking system, you can opt out of being tracked by Analytics across any and all websites you visit by following the link provided:

Digital Advertising

New Orleans Video Productions uses cookies in partnership with select third-party vendors like Google and Bing in the delivery of display advertisements to our visitors when they use certain other online sites. These advertising campaigns do not collect any identifiable information about a specific individual. If you’re unsure of this type of advertising, you can opt out by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s Opt-Out Page at the link provided:


The act of using our site is considered acceptance of this privacy policy. New Orleans Video Productions reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. It’s the responsibility of the user to review this policy form time to time to ensure complete familiarity with the terms described. Continued use of following changes to the privacy policy’s terms is considered acceptance of the changes.